The multidisciplinary approach (collaboration between doctors from different specialties) is now considered a guarantee of quality care in several areas of medicine, particularly in oncology.

Most of the time, this collaboration takes place during the decision-making phase (Multidisciplinary Consultation Meetings) to establish the best therapeutic strategy. Sometimes, this collaboration even extends to the operating room.

During a gastric fibroscopy, the gastroenterologist may find himself faced with a GIST (Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor). It is a benign gastric lesion, but potentially malignant from a biological or clinical point of view (bleeding).

The resection of the tumor is therefore indicated.

In case of a malignant lesion of the stomach, more radical resections are necessary, with the need to re-establish digestive continuity (anastomosis).

Faced with a benign lesion, GIST type, we can limit ourselves to an atypical resection, with the advantage of sparing most of the stomach.

Limiting the resection to the bare minimum is even more important in certain cases such as, for example, if the tumor is located in the terminal portion of the stomach (pre-pyloric region), a very important area which allows the contents of the stomach to properly empty into the small intestine.

However: if the lesion tends to grow inwards of the stomach wall rather than outwards and if, at the same time, it is small (less than one centimeter), the surgeon may have difficulty precisely locating the lesion during the laparoscopic procedure.

To make the resection as precise and the least invasive possible, a gastric endoscopy must be performed at the same time as the laparoscopic procedure, so that the gastroenterologist, in visualizing the inside of the gastric wall, can "indicate" the tumor to the surgeon.



Coeliscopie chirurgie estomac - Dr Bruto Randone

Après localisation de la tumeur par abord simultané coelioscopique (chirurgien) et endoscopique (gastroentérologue)


Coeliscopie chirurgie estomac - Dr Bruto Randone

Suture sur la paroi de l’estomac après résection de la tumeur


To make an appointment with Dr. Bruto Randone, ENGLISH SPEAKING Visceral and Digestive Surgeon, at the Clinique Internationale du Parc Monceau, 21 Rue de Chazelles, 75017 Paris, France, or at the Clinique Bizet, 23 Rue Georges Bizet, 75116 Paris, France, click on Contact.